Notes on posting - the correct procedure.
Download 99_posting_procedures.txt
1) create all the correctly named categories, carefully following the naming and spacing convention to keep things looking tidy "00 - Category Title" is (##SpaceHyphenSpaceCategoryName)
2) open the Word doc for a category
3) do 'edit - select all' and 'copy', then open Notepad and paste the Word text into Notepad, this strips the formatting away, the font should be 10 point Arial, all the bold/italic/etc goes away.
4) save that .txt file for future use in reposting so you don't need to do the above again, using the same EXACT name as you named the Word doc (just for consistency)
5) in NEW POST, select the appropriate category from the pull down menu; also for Title put that same title in with the number
6) edit/select all, copy the text from notepad
7) paste the text from notepad for that category into the new post edit screen
8) remove the title from the top in the posted text, you don't need it there in the text body of the post; it's in the Title and Category
9) put your cursor at the top of the New Post screen, above the text you pasted in, and do the Word doc file upload for that chapter/category using the little document icon, the one with the arrow pointing into it; it will open a Dialog box with a 'browse' button, browse to the place on your computer where the correct Word doc for this category is located, double click it, then click the Upload button - a link to the document now appears in blue hypertext in the New Post screen
10) do any bold, italic etc formatting to the text in the New Post
11) bottom of screen, do save/post and view the updated blog to make sure it looks ok
12) start over go to NEW POST remember!
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