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John M

People are always watching how you dress. Obviously you don't want to wear a suit and tie to a business casual environment, but if you get the best business casual clothes you will stand out positively from the crowd, people notice what you wear, even if they do not tell you.


good advice i think, the only prob is some times getting another job is not a great option coz of responsibilities or bad market. And in case of people who don't deal with clients (like me) our firm really doesn't care how we dress...i am wondering if i shd still spend money on good clothes...usually i don't.

John M

I think that sucking down sounds negative. But it is amazing how much inside knowledge you can gain just by taking the time to talk to all levels of employees in a company. Establishing a network of employees from all levels of a company can be very helpful for getting a whole picture of what is actually going on. Most employees will not tell their boss all of the bad stuff that is going on in their department, but they will be likely to tell a close ally, you can suggest improvements or at the very least, know what time wasters to avoid.

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