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The negotiators appeared to be having a hard time defining what kind of cuts would occur at the end of the year 2012 if Congress failed to act on the committee’s recommendations.


Most HR departments will offer to 'pre-screen' the resumes and 'make your life easier' as a manager but I always refused because HR people have lists of requirements and if your resume doesn't meet all those requirements, your resume goes in the basket...great lens will credit this.

Jordan 4

Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. (Leon Nlum, French statesman)

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Really, what we want now, is not laws, against crime, but a law against insanity. (Mark Twain, American writer)

Nursing cover

wow thanks for the link!!!

Stephen Jones


Personally, I've seen many CVs [resumes] with blatant lies. For instance, MBAs from non-existent colleges.
Most candidates, whether senior or junior, assume that hiring managers won't check ... which isn't always the case!


Stephen Jones, CEO


This is actually interesting. Maybe I need to put a bit less about work and a bit more about myself in the CV.
About the time when I still did silly things. Why did I stop doing silly things ? Just like my job now is more interesting than the reason why I was kicked out of my previous job. Everybody would fall asleep when I talk about my job. No one would believe me when I talk about how I lost my previous job.
Besides, I was right, that CEO was destroying the company. But you're not supposed to say that aloud ...

However, to get back on the subject of swimming the channel.
Something is wrong with me !!! I did not swim the channel but I did cross the bloody Pyrenees on a mountainbike last year and
my arse is still hurting :)
Perhaps I should mention it in my CV :)

Thanks ! I'll have to think about this !
Let's give the next reviewer of my CV some fun.

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