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The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.She said, 'Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.' Epilogue:

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When you got married, it's pretty likely that you were planning to have a happy marriage forever. On your wedding day, if you're like many, you looked at your new spouse and thought, "Wow, I am so lucky!" For a while, those feelings probably stuck around, but at some point, we all stop looking at our spouse and thinking how lucky we are and we begin to wonder why it's so hard to be around them.


GREAT advice. It's so true that many marriages end badly because folks are not on the same page when it comes to handling their finances. We've been listening to the same people for years selling us the story that marriage is built on love alone. Well, that may GET you together but it's not the only thing that will help you stay together. There's no insurance any marriage will work out. You do your best, compromise and work damn hard!



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